Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

What are the delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?

Depending on products, it ranges from $1.50- $4.00 usually. 

Which payment methods are accepted in the Online Shop?

On-site -> PayNow only

Via personal -> PayNow, Paypal & Bank Transfer. (may include some extra charges) 

How long will delivery take?

Physical Products will usually up to a week to receive once they are available.

How secure is shopping in the Online Shop? Is my data protected?

This site is SSL-secured. Your data is protected. See our Privacy Policy linked in the footer.

What exactly happens after ordering?

Digital Product are automatically added into your SE account.

Mailable product will mailed out in the next few days.

About us

Science Explorers Club Store was established to support the ease of orders and services provided.

This social enterprise supports Family Inclusivity through Affordability, Supportivity, Positivity & Integration between people.

We are proud to be part of the Special Needs, Homeschool and LearningX Community with the National Library Board (Singapore).

Thank you for your support and friendship.

Do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Contact Us

To check out what workshops we are running, do click to join the Facebook group.

SE WhatsApp link can be found there as well.

(or you can message me your mobile number to be added)